2680 S. Val Vista Dr., Suite #164
Gilbert, AZ 85295

David J. Haralson, DMD, MD

Chemical Peel

A Chemical Peel is a popular non-surgical cosmetic procedure used to improve the appearance of the skin on the face, neck, or hands. This treatment involves the application of a chemical solution to the skin, which exfoliates the outer layers, encouraging the growth of new, healthier skin cells.

Chemical Peel

Chemical Peels are highly effective in reducing signs of aging, sun damage, acne scars, uneven skin tone, and texture irregularities, resulting in a smoother, more youthful complexion.

During a Chemical Peel procedure, a trained healthcare professional cleanses the skin thoroughly before applying the chemical solution. The type and strength of the chemical solution used depend on the patient’s skin type and the specific concerns being addressed. There are different types of chemical peels, including superficial, medium, and deep peels, each varying in depth of penetration and intensity of exfoliation.

  • Superficial Peels: These peels penetrate only the outermost layer of the skin (epidermis) and are typically made from mild acids like alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs). Superficial peels are suitable for treating mild skin imperfections and require little to no downtime.
  • Medium Peels: Medium-depth peels penetrate the middle layer of the skin (dermis) and are often made from stronger acids like trichloroacetic acid (TCA). They are effective in treating moderate skin imperfections, and the recovery period may involve redness, swelling, and peeling that lasts for a few days to a week.
  • Deep Peels: Deep peels penetrate the deeper layers of the skin and are usually performed using phenol, a strong chemical solution. Deep peels are highly effective in treating severe skin imperfections but require a longer recovery period, during which the skin may be noticeably red and swollen for several weeks.

After a Chemical Peel, the treated skin will be more sensitive to the sun, making sun protection crucial to prevent damage. Patients can expect smoother, rejuvenated skin with a reduction in fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, and acne scars. The results are generally progressive, with noticeable improvements in skin texture and tone becoming apparent as the skin heals.