2680 S. Val Vista Dr., Suite #164
Gilbert, AZ 85295

David J. Haralson, DMD, MD

Temporal Lift

The Temporal Lift, also known as a lateral brow lift or a mini brow lift, is a specialized cosmetic procedure designed to address sagging and drooping in the outer portion of the eyebrows and temples. This minimally invasive technique focuses on rejuvenating the upper face, giving patients a refreshed and youthful appearance without the need for a full brow lift surgery.

Temporal Lift

During a Temporal Lift, small incisions are made near the temples, allowing the surgeon to access the underlying tissues. Through these discreet openings, the surgeon tightens the temporal fascia and lifts the outer brows, correcting issues such as hooded eyes, crow’s feet, and a tired or aged expression. The procedure is often performed using local anesthesia and can be combined with other facial rejuvenation techniques for comprehensive results.

One of the key advantages of the Temporal Lift is its targeted approach, specifically addressing the outer brow area and temporal region. By focusing on this area, patients can achieve a more alert and refreshed appearance without undergoing a full brow lift procedure. The Temporal Lift is particularly suitable for individuals experiencing mild to moderate sagging in the outer brow area and temples.

Recovery after a Temporal Lift is relatively quick, with minimal discomfort and downtime. Most patients can return to their normal activities within a few days, although strenuous activities should be avoided for a short period to facilitate proper healing. Swelling and bruising are typically mild and subside within a week or two, revealing the final results of the procedure.